You found my site and that makes me happy.
Here's a quick ice breaker, even though I already like you.

Hi, I'm Justine
I’m a product of New York City’s "Silicon Alley”, meaning that I’ve helped build products, brands, and experiences from the ground up. I don’t buy into the whole “think outside the box” thing—there’s always a box. The trick is making something incredible within it. I thrive in that space, energizing projects, teams and clients to excel, no matter the constraints we face.IT'S MY JOB TO:
Find the Story:
Uncover the unique narrative that sets us apartSTRATEGY
Tell the Story
Create impactful, strategically-driven content that resonatesPRODUCTION
Prove the Story
Turn audiences into advocates who share our visionGROWTH
The Process